Velvet and I have been busy getting my new mosaic studio in the Canton Arts District ready! He would say he did all the work, but I have to thank my sister who helped me paint and hang my artwork. I would still be second-guessing everything without her help.
I'll be opening for First Friday on April 1st. The theme is masquerade, so I've been making glitter masks to give away to kids. I'm new to the Arts District, and too late for Arts in Stark to get the word out, so if you're reading this and in the Canton area, please come, bring your kids and tell everyone you know!
Dyanne Williams Mosaics
514 5th Street NW Canton, Ohio 44703
I'll have regular gallery hours starting in mid-to-late April, most likely Wednesday & Friday 10am-6pm and Saturday 2-6pm.
I'm happy to find this location just in time to begin my new commission. It's four panels totaling 148 square feet for a shopping center in Westlake Village, CA. I'm waiting for final design approval from the city council, then I will start posting information about the project. I'm very excited to begin this mosaic. It's going to be huge and gorgeous!